THE PERSECUTION OF GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - Part 1 - The Church - Past & Present - with Dr. Jay Jailal

Dr Jay Jailal - November 05, 2017

THE PERSECUTION OF GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE For November, I am planning a series of sermons on the subject - The Persecution of God's Chosen People. This title is intentional so as to include both Jews and Christians. As we know, Israel is God's chosen physical nation (people). And the Church is God's chosen spiritual nation (the Bride of Christ). And both groups are the target of Satan's hatred. Part 1: The Church - Past & Present Part 2: Israel Before Christ's First Coming Part 3: Israel After Christ Until Present Part 4: The Church & Israel - Future Like the nation of Israel as recorded in the OT, the Church ever since its inception has been, and continues to be a target of increasing persecution. Our Lord actually warned that we will face persecution until He returns. As we move closer to Messiah's return, the persecution will grow in intensity and geographical spread. It is vital that all Christians UNITE in prayer for our persecuted brethren as we are doing today. We are devoting this entire month to talk about and pray for Christians globally. This is an act of LOVE for our persecuted family. Amen! Visit us at : Facebook: Instagram: @AFCMGRAM Twitter: @AFCMTWEETS Book Purchase: THE FINAL SOLUTION TO THE JEWISH QUESTION AND THE HUMAN PROBLEM by Dr. Lincoln A. Jailal (Author)