Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem - Dr. Jay Jailal

Dr Jay Jailal - October 23, 2017

Prepare for the end times! PRAYER POINTS 1: That Adonai would raise up Christian watchmen in every nation to pray for His peace and purposes to manifest in this spiritually strategic land. Leader: Elder Norma DeJesus 2: That Adonai would protect the land of Israel and the Jewish people who have suffered great persecution ever since the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. Pray against Islamic jihadist groups as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and all the other enemies of Israel. Leader: Elder Amy Lewis 3: That Adonai would stir up the hearts of Christians and all Christian denominations worldwide to stand up against Anti-Semitism, demolish Replacement Theology and express open support of the Jewish people and nation. Leader: Elder Rochelle Sutherland 4: That Adonai would reconcile and unite Christian Arabs in Israel with other Christians (Evangelical and Messianic) in support of the Jewish people and nation. Leader: Deacon Lionel Rambaran Hine Ma Tov 5: That Adonai would provide for the needy, the poor, the elderly, the victims of past and present persecution in Israel. That God would provide all the needs for the thousands of Jews who are leaving Europe to return to their true homeland, Israel. Leader: Elder Carlos Lewis 6: That Adonai would bless and guide Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the political leaders and the rabbis (for wisdom, integrity, boldness, faith) to make wise decisions to protect and preserve Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. Leader: Sis. Ruth Henry 7: That Adonai would arouse all the tribes of Israel to return to their homeland of Israel (Aliyah), that they would repent, return to Adonai and receive Yeshua as their Messiah. For Messiah's soon return to rescue Israel and establish His Kingdom. Leader: Pastor Jailal